Transform your Ram 2500HD from Australia with extra carrying capacity and enhanced engineering using bigger tires. As you're likely aware, many of the RAM Australia-delivered RAM 2500s are on the NB1 Category, but we can bump yours up to a 5300GVM or even 5600GVM with top-of-the-line suspension from Fox & BDS Components.
Stage 1 5300 GVM Upgrade Fox Performance Series 2.0 with BDS Components
Stage 2 5300 GVM Upgrade Fox Performance Elite Suspension with BDS Components.
Stage 3 5300 GVM Upgrade Fox Performance Elite Suspension, with BDS Components.
Stage 4 5600 GVM Upgrade 2" Fox Performance Eliete Suspesnion with ORI Coil Package
Stage 5 5600 GVM Upgrade 3" BDS Suspension Lift kit with Upgraded rear coil.